KT&T Distributors Takes Part in the Empowered Schools Program 

The EmPowered Schools program is an educational component of the Alliance to Save Energy. The Alliance to Save Energy has continued  its mission to create an energy efficient world since 1977 and promotes energy efficiency worldwide to achieve a healthier economy, a cleaner environment, and energy security. 

The Alliance to Save Energy empowers students to create a culture of energy efficiency in their schools and communities with STEM-based efficiency training, hands-on experience, and results to show for their work. Students can become ambassadors for energy conservation in the classroom and at home.

KT&T Distributors have recently worked on creating over two hundred Energy Efficiency Bags for middle schoolers around the country.  Johnston Controls, National Grid, 3M and other companies sponsored this set of bags. We look forward to assembling more of these bags for this worthwhile program and gathering sponsors to help empower students.


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